We Guarantee To Grow Your Sales, Profitability & Valuation.
For over 2 decades, companies nationwide, in many industries, have discovered how to empower their teams to quickly add millions to their companies. Get on the proven path to growth, success and a guaranteed ROI or your money back.
How COSi Works
Improving on your own takes forever, we know that employee driven performance improvement is the fastest path to profit and value enhancement.
Get everyone at all levels in your company 100% on the same page with where they are going and exactly how they are going to get there.
We start by empowering your most valuable asset, your people, who help identify the core problems and then, we start Tiger Teams to improve and grow your business valuation faster using COSi’s award-winning program.
COSi is designed to achieve an immediate, positive impact on your businesses the first day.
Our Mission:
Coach small and mid-sized companies how to transform themselves to be more profitable, innovative and valuable.

Small Business Boot Camp
The first program of its type. Bring 4-6 key leaders to the 1-Day Boot Camp and uncover your unique key opportunities for revenue growth, expense reduction, and process efficiencies typically worth $1,000,000.
You will be able to get started the very next day making an immediate positive impact on the performance, growth and valuation of your company. Guaranteed or you money back!
Company Profit &
Valuation Accelerator
Transform your business, empower your team to enhance sales, profits and valuation and be better prepared for a eventual successfully transition.
Rapidly increase productivity, efficiency and drive profitable growth faster.
Empower your people to become highly engaged and run high performing teams that drive up profit margins.
What People Say About COSi
“COSi taught our team a straightforward and very effective approach to improving sales growth and profit margins by engaging our people. We have lowered our operating costs, have boosted employee attitude, and developed a much more efficient operation as a result.”
— Alan Cohen
President, Aaron Equipment
“I was very skeptical about accepting any outside assistance due to prior negative experiences with consultants. We grew our bottom line by over $650,000 within the first 12 months of implementing the COSi real-world educational program.”
— Mark Levit
President, Colovos
“I have learned more about how important it is to engage every employee on a regular basis. I see that we now have a more motivated team. People are working well together. I hope to triple revenues over the next three years.”
— Mary Darling
President, Darling Geomatics
“COSi helps to bring the employee’s in the company together to provide fresh new ideas and also stimulates creativity and cooperation to drive profitable growth much faster. COSi is a game changing program for us.”
— Denise Lawien
Co-Owner, Trans International
“The COSi program helped Trinity Products achieve record sales and profitability in addition to creating a winning culture.”
— Robert Briggs
President, Trinity Products
“Because of the COSi training, we have grown leaps and bounds in the past 3 years. Because of our success, St. James is now preparing to open our 3rd medical school.”
— Dr. Kallol Guha
Founder & President, St. James School of Medicine

Did you know about “COSi Day”?
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn named March 16th "COSi Day in the State of Illinois" for saving companies and creating and retaining thousands of jobs.
March 16th "COSi Day in the State of Illinois"

COSi Workshops
Breakfast Workshops and Webinars
Discover $1,000,000 in profit and sales opportunities hidden inside your company in just 1 hour.
5 Start Rated, engaging, educational and transformational
COSi is a business improvement program.
It helps a company identify ways to improve the operation of their business by identifying its challenges, grouping them, selecting those challenges that are very critical to the success of the business, and resolving them with the participation of select members of the company who can help develop and implement solutions.
— Linda Stone – CEO, APR Consulting, Inc. Diamond Bar, Ca.

About COSi
COSi (Cycle of Success Institute) was founded in 2001 with the vision of providing entrepreneurs a “hands-on” approach to building a profitable high value businesses.
Since then, COSi has coached thousands of business leaders across the country in various industries, from small to mid-sized companies, on building profitable high-growth businesses.
COSi Accelerator Program is an award-winning 12-Step Program that rapidly enhances business performance and growth.

COSi Founder & CEO
John Mautner is the founder of Cycle of Success Institute (COSi). John is a serial entrepreneur who has launched and built several successful companies.
Inc. Magazine named John’s first business as one of America’s 500 fastest growing companies (#188)
John Mautner - COSi Founder & CEO
“I believe that anything is possible, so conceive, believe and achieve.”
“The COSi program is about looking at your current company and finding inside the company what will help us become more profitable and working together to get fast results.”
— Pat Watts – President, FCI Management, Long Beach Ca.

COSi Coaches
The Most In-Demand Business Coaches
Meet the COSi Team
Book a FREE Strategy Session
Would you trade 15 minute of your time to find the hidden million inside your company?
Grab a pen and paper to get started. You will be asked a series of questions by one of our coaches to find your hidden million.